The University Rovira i Virgili – URV ( was created in 1991 by the Parliament of Catalonia from the already existing university faculties and schools. In this way, the Tarragona University of the 16th century was restored. From the very first day its aim has been very clear: to place knowledge at the service of society so as to contribute to the social and economic development of its environment, which has gradually transformed over time.
Social and cultural changes have opened the doors to a new framework in which our students and future workers are obliged to interact in Europe. At the URV we train professionals under the precepts of European harmonization, a key factor for opening the doors to a world of work without frontiers. And we do so by providing a full range of educational possibilities with more than 40 undergraduate courses and 50 master's degrees (many of which are interuniversity), an extensive doctoral programme and a flexible lifelong learning programme so that professionals can constantly update their knowledge and improve their skills. The data show that the URV is not only one of the leading universities in Catalonia but also one of the leading universities in the European area for the quality of its teaching, its commitment to continuous training and the excellence of its research, development and innovation.
The IRCV group ( belongs to the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics at the URV and is concerned with the research and development of innovative solutions in several areas of application of Artificial Intelligence, data mining, machine learning and computer vision applied to several fields, such as: smart predictive and recommender systems for customization of games for people with CP, data mining applications for the health sector, automatic image analysis for medical and industrial applications, intelligent robotics reasoning for planning and navigation tasks by using advanced computing techniques. The research team also has an extensive experience in managing and executing Spanish and European projects under FP7 and H2020 programs. Furthermore, the research team is expert in diverse fields such as networks and data security for companies, governments and individuals in the information society; privacy of the individuals who are users or passive subjects of the information society; utility of the underlying informatics systems.
The main research lines of the IRCV group are:
Data mining and Machine Learning for smart ICT solutions in the health sector (e.g. serious gaming and medical image analysis).
Advances Computer vision algorithms using monocular, stereo and RGB-D cameras for automatic scene understanding, action recognition, behaviour recognition and emotion recognition.
Image processing using deep learning models for automatic detection of breast cancer, skin cancer, ocular retinopathy.
Intelligent robotics reasoning for autonomous planning and navigation by fusing multiple sensors.
Edge-cutting, world-class research on information security and privacy.
The IRCV group is part of the Intelligent Technologies for Advanced Knowledge Acquisition research group, which has been recently recognised as a consolidated research group by the Government of Catalonia.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme under grant agreement Nº 958637