The National MElitaoelectronics Applications Centre (MAC),, was established in 1981, by the Irish Government, to provide consultancy and complete innovative development and exploitation of electronic, software and e-business/e-government citizen participation technological solutions.
MAC is an innovative SME with a 39 year track record of delivering to tight schedules with industry, SMEs and public agencies to assess and assist entrepreneurial and innovative technical solutions. To date, MAC has delivered 225 leading edge product developments, 35 Web/online services, 175 process applications, 470 consultancy projects, 29 pan-European technology development consortia and 3,000 new idea evaluations. These have enabled the growth of several multi-million Euro companies. We have completed numerous evaluations, studies and outsourced R&D projects for European companies where we act as the innovator and designer of their future services and product set.
As an ICT SME, the focus of MAC’s commercial work is on the further development and extension of its ICT technologies and IP developed mainly in EU RTD projects, with products and services that include:
Products and services for citizens’ engagement and people with special needs, as well as distributed quality monitoring and control in the power and environment sectors. AbleGames will be MAC’s next citizens engagement service.
Smart Phone Apps for distributed user interaction, crowdsourcing and mobile engagement of all citizens.
Wireless Sensor Networks of MAC’s open low-power low-cost low-maintenance IoT communications/sensor nodes which reliably mesh communicate with each other, local staff and to the wide-area 3/4/5G data communications infrastructure.
INSPIRE-compliant data and metadata for open interoperability and citizens engagement.
The parallel activity of the company in working with entrepreneurs, SMEs, and public organisations to deliver operational solutions, grounds this work in the real commercial world ensuring that MAC’s staff is a focused team of highly flexible, motivated, responsive, pragmatic and experienced technical, research and project management experts, who can both manage distributed outsourced development teams and its own in-house technical staff.
MAC is continuously driven by excellence in the application and exploitation of leading-edge software, electronics and communications technologies. To ensure that its technology is always state-of-the-art, and that the MAC Team are continuously improving their excellence in its application and management, MAC partners with the some of the World’s best organisations in a number of European and National Information and Communications Technology (ICT) development projects. MAC is particularly strong in managing distributed development teams in those organisations for on-time and on-budget delivery of such technical developments. Building on its strong project management, experience of productising technology applications and distributed systems development expertise, MAC has participated in many EU and RTD projects that have provided the core technologies and IP of its commercial products and services.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme under grant agreement Nº 958637